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    Today’s families find themselves wanting to keep up with changes in their world; changes that happen at a faster and faster pace. Whatever your stage of life, Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Family and Consumer Sciences programs bring you knowledge you can use to make better decisions and improve your life. We bring you proven, reliable, non-biased information to help you with raising kids, eating right, spending smart, and living well.

    Financial Management, Housing, and Consumer Education Programs

    These programs teach youth, individuals, and families life-long resource management skills to help them manage money more effectively and make better consumer decisions. Whether opening your first checking account, learning to balance a check book, creating a workable spending plan, or checking your credit, FCS programs can help you plan for a healthy financial future.

    Food, Nutrition and Health Programs

    These programs help youth, individuals and families make wise nutritional choices, prepare food safely, prevent chronic disease, and make the necessary lifestyle changes for optimal wellness. Whether trying to stretch food dollars, eat a balanced variety of nutrient dense foods, or become a more physically active person, FCS programs can guide you toward these healthier goals.

    Parenting and Childcare Provider Programs

    Parent Education programs may be tailored for parents, single parents, grandparents, foster parents or guardians. Whether you care for an infant, preschool age child, school age child or teen, a program can be customized to meet your needs. If you are in need of childcare provider continuing education hours, a program can also be tailored to meet your needs.

    Food Safety

    The ServSafe® Manager Certification Training and ServSafe® Food Handler Courses are offered locally to food service workers at restaurants, hospitals, schools, and childcare centers. Participants receive instruction about food safety concepts such as sanitation, food storage, safety regulations, pest management, and safe food handling practices.

    For more information on any of these programs, contact the Greensville Emporia Extension Office at (434) 348-4223.


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    4-H, youth, summer, fun, camp, shooting sports


    There are no membership fees to join 4-H. You can register to be a member at

    What is the 4-H Emblem?

    The emblem for 4-H is a green four-leaf clover with a white “H” on each clover leaf. The official emblem is copy-righted and may be used only as approved by 4-H.

    4-H Educational:

    4-H programming is divided into 10 curriculum areas. The 10 curriculum areas are listed below:

    Animal Science
    Careers and Consumer Education
    Communications and Expressive Arts
    Family Sciences
    Foods, Nutrition, and Health
    Leadership and Personal Development
    Natural Resources and Environmental  Education
    Plants, Soils, and Entomology
    Science, Engineering, and Technology


    The mission of 4-H is to assist youth and adults working with those youth to gain additional knowledge, life skills, and attitudes that will further their development as self directing, contributing, and productive members of society. Life skill examples are:

    ¨ Responsibility
    ¨ Leadership
    ¨ Teamwork
    ¨ Communication
    ¨ Service to Others
    ¨ Ethical Behavior
    ¨ Integrity
    ¨ Self-Discipline
    ¨ Problem Solving
    ¨ Cooperation
    ¨ Personal Safety
    ¨ Goal Setting

    Club Meetings:

    Meetings typically take place at various shooting facilities located in Greensville County;  however, some club sessions can be held at the Greensville/Emporia Extension Office location. Meetings are conducted by a certified   4-H shooting instructor, who are assisted by adult volunteers who serve as coaches. All activities are performed under strict safety and supervision of trained 4-H instructors

    Meetings typically are held once or twice a month, but can be held more often if desired based on range availability as well as weather conditions. There are no member dues, but you must be a current, registered 4-H member to participate. Contact us if you would like to learn how you can become a registered 4-H member!

    Shooting Disiplines:

    Shooting sports offers disciplines that are taught by instructors  that have gone through a certification process  created by the Virginia  4-H Shooting Council. The current disciplines offered by the  Greensville/Emporia 4-H include:

    • Archery
    • BB Gun
    • Air Rifle (Pellet)
    • 22 Smallbore Rifle

    Each discipline offers development of personal skills, as well as competition against other shooters at local, state,  national and International competitions.

    • VA Air Championship
    • VA 4-H State Shoot *
    • VA 4-H/NRA Shooting Camp *
    • National 4-H Invitational *
    • Daisy International BB Championship

    All Disciplines are welcome to attend with this mark *

    Definition of a 4-H Shooting Club member:

    Any boy or girl, ages 9-19, who enrolls and participates in a planned sequence of related learning experiences for a minimum of six (6) hours.  4-H members are under the guidance and supervision of Extension-trained volunteers or Extension staff members.

    For moore information about joining the 4-H Shooting Sports Club, please call 434-348-4223 or contact the following:

    Hannah Parker                                                 Jeff Karow
    4-H Extension Agent                                    4-H Program Assistant
    Archery Instructor                                         Rifle Instructor
    email:                              email:

    Links to 4-H Summer Camp Forms:

    Camp Counselor Form - Complete this form if you are a new or returning counselor.

    Camp Counselor Reference Form - You will need to complete three (3) reference forms, if you are applying as a new counselor. 

    Health History Form - To be completed by all participants. 

    Equine.Cell Policy - To be completed by all summer camp participants, even if you do not participate in an equine club.

    Special Dietary - To be completed by all participants. 

    Scholarship Application - To be completed and returned within one week of registration. First come, first served basis.

    The Virginia Family Nutrition Program is a program within Virginia Cooperative Extension that extends the land-grant education and outreach mission of Virginia Tech by offering a comprehensive collection of resources, educational programs, and services across the Commonwealth to improve the health of families. The motto of the Virginia Family Nutrition Program is Eat Smart, Move More.

    The Virginia Family Nutrition Program has a specific focus of addressing food security and the prevention of costly chronic diseases. Our commitment to finding real solutions for our communities is showcased through a variety of programs and initiatives that impact community health.

    Our funding comes from the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to offer the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and from the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to offer Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) in Virginia.

    Engaging with Communities

    Virginia Cooperative Extension specialists in community viability work with Extension agents, campus-based faculty, organizational partners, communities, and individuals to further opportunity and build capacity in five program areas:   

    Examples of our work include training county elected officials, educating entrepreneurs, facilitating collaborative projects, supporting the growth of community food systems and local economies, enhancing agent skills and community capacity in facilitation and leadership, conducting problem-driven research, and creating publications and tools that address critical community needs.

    Do you have a question about Community Viability?

    Perhaps one of the Community Viability specialists below can help you. Contact a Community Viability specialist or direct a question to them using our Ask an Expert system.

    Community Viability Specialists

    See a list of our Community Viability Specialists